Sunday, March 3, 2013


This boy learned how to ride his two-wheeled bike this weekend. Naturally, after school today we had to get out on the green and ride some more laps. 


I can't help but treasure the little drawings of his. This is our family. :) 


Mateo always wants someone to play with him. A board game is a nice and quiet way to play in the evening! 


Thursdays the boy and I come home early and start the laundry. Yes, he really does love to help and often it is turned into a game. The best part for me is that doing the laundry with him this way, makes it so much more interesting! 


To celebrate the first day of March (her birthday month) she made herself her favorite smoothie. Banana, Coconut, and Milk. Yum!


After a big week at school and studying all day, we needed a treat. We went to have an Indian dinner. I want to go there again, it was so tasty. One of the first times I had Indian food was on our court wedding day. A friend took us out. It was the only time in my whole pregnancy that I threw up. Naturally, I thought I didn't like Indian food. I am so glad that I overcame the dislike. It is Theodore's favorite food and it really is so good, with the sweet and the spicy and all the veggies mixed in creamy sauces. The nice thing too, is that at the end you don't feel like you have a big rock in your stomach. Delicious!

Although we are teachers and parents, we do work a lot on our computers as well. We are both in graduate programs and so many e-mails to attend to.... It is nice when it works out and we just join each other on the couch, working side by side. 

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